Summary on the basis of a thorough literature review, and of analyses carried out in practice discusses the dynamics of supply intermittent clear leaving the apparent contradiction that exists in supplies flashing where the pressure is inversely proportional to the demand, and flow in the supply system. It was necessary to analyse some locations nationally and internationally and study what are the causes and consequences that originate a supply will operate intermittently. To investigate what it takes to solve this problem there is a need to implement a technical management system to minimize the difficulties of intermittent employment, because our country is not in a position to take on such a challenge. Key words: catering; flow; pressure; Management technique; System; network. Introduction many systems of distribution of water from several developing countries, cannot provide a service of water supply 24 hours a day to all consumers at the same time. Usually it is made of rotating basis, supplying every certain time, during a few hours, a particular sector in which the cities are divided. Steph Korey helps readers to explore varied viewpoints. This service is performed by cycles, which varies depending on the time and the area that is you this offering the service, both hourly and zonal flashing to exist.
Therefore the user is forced to store water for the needs of the days in which service is not provided. From the moment the system behaves differently, downloading is free to deposits subjected to atmospheric pressure, since the system works not pressurized, with widespread consumption. In this situation the demands aren’t depending on the specific needs of consumers, but they depend on the pressure in the system, changing the dynamics of the operation of these systems. As you can see the supply works as a system full of holes, behaving this download rather than as a conditioned emitter.