PRECURSORS: Theory Y is also made by Professor Douglas McGregor. In his book “The human side of organizations” (1960) described two ways of thinking of the managers, which called Theory X and Theory Y. In this conception, managing is a process of creating opportunity, releasing potential, removing obstacles, to support growth and provide guidance view, it is management by objectives, not control. ASSUMPTIONS The erosion of physical and mental effort in work is as natural as in the game. The average person learns under proper conditions. The individual will achieve the objectives of the company provided the company achieves their personal goals. The work can be a source of satisfaction, so that the employee works on a voluntary basis. The typical worker does not feel an aversion to work. The worker is the main asset of the company. Shall not be considered that most workers are eligible to work in pursuit of organizational objectives. The highest award to the worker, apart from the economic contribution is the satisfaction of ego and self-actualization needs. When man likes to take responsibilities. viagra tadalafil By “feeling” the confidence, the joy and the peace that you deserve. Endocrinology treatment in France is effective and showed potential results in many patients viagra for women uk by controlling their blood sugar levels and increasing their metabolism. When the study of use of gingerols on rat was conducted, it was proved that with the years the human body loses the capacity to keep up the normal level of CO2 (about 6-6,5 %) in arterial blood, which is playing a major role. cialis properien This is viagra samples uk because it has all the necessary ingredients to reinforce your power levels. The ability to cultivate the imagination, ingenuity and creativity to a large extent in solving problems is a feature of almost all human beings. CONTRIBUTIONS The common people learn. This leads to implement training processes in companies. Groups such as training, organizational development, group sensitivity, valuing employees as people, develop their potential. The ability to cultivate the imagination, ingenuity and creativity is at high level in solving problems, the worker makes participatory through so-called group dynamics. Delegate decisions to lower levels of the organization to allow all people to engage in activities The highest award to the worker, apart from the economic contribution is the satisfaction of ego and self-actualization needs. From there it follows the contribution of business motivation.In some companies have successfully tested the same people make their own goals or objectives, and self-assess their performance against objectives LIMITATIONS: Good part of these ideas were not accepted in principle by the Americans, mainly the ideas migrated to Japan. There was not discussed the idea of “equalization of power in organizations”, it just came to an immediate implementation process due to the recessive state of its economy. The American society in general trusted the idea of maintaining hierarchical scales anywhere: school, church, family, government, so the theory even if you came to show since the 40s and 50s, did not prosper until 60. The proposal McGregor, corresponded to a humanistic view of organizations. The above views were purely scientific. This did not facilitate their acceptance, even was called communist by his unconventional ideas.
Published April 26, 2010