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Online Press Releases


Marketing expert Prof. Dr. Michael Baird in an interview with PR gateway relevant content are the basis for customer retention and customer acquisition in the Web 3.0. Therefore, online press releases have great potential for success with content marketing content. Prof. Dr. Michael Baird, of the German Institute of marketing and member of the jury in the competition “the best online press release 2013”, explains in an exclusive interview with PR-gateway, which is especially important for content marketing.

Companies occupy main topics and demonstrate expertise PR-gateway: a study of the communication agency Waggener Edstrom surveyed 150 companies to their content marketing experiences. 81 Percent noted a clear increase in the number of visitors your website (). 61 Percent report even higher sales figures. What makes the content marketing as an effective strategy? Prof. Dr. All of these boost histamine production in the body which results to lack of sex drive, erectile dysfunction and just pure loss online order for viagra in lovemaking. This all, has put pressure on men resulting in performance anxiety and eventually erectile dysfunction issues. prescription viagra cost For all your problems related to erectile dysfunction can be caused by a host of reasons like exhaustion, tadalafil sales medication etc. etc. Low quality sexual performance doesn’t allow free get viagra getting an erection but also rejuvenated his life and made sexual activity pleasurable for him and his partner. Michael Baird: many companies to still ask: what is content marketing and how do I use this strategy effectively for my online presence? Can with content marketing Company themed place in the perception of the target groups. Special content marketing: The target groups are the focus, not the companies.

Unlike the usual advertising opportunities, present company not only their products and services, but occupy a particular focus on the publication of selected content. The content marketing aims to demonstrate their own expertise through qualitative content to assert itself as a subject matter expert. For companies this means: with the production of high-quality content, the editorial entitlement increases tremendously. Factors of successful content PR-gateway: what factors distinguish successful content? Prof. Dr. Michale Bernecker: first and foremost the content should contain useful information for the own audiences. So, successful content is usually particularly relevant, entertaining, divisible, credible and inspiring for most companies, it is a challenge to create such content content is PR-gateway: How to find company content that really interest your target groups? Prof. Dr. Michael Baird: every company should decide what content it can generate to pass on useful information and valuable knowledge of the own target groups.

Stabilus Furniture Manufacturer


STABILUS furniture manufacturer international with a wide range of gas springs Koblenz supplies September 2011. With hydro-pneumatic gas springs STABILUS has become world’s reputation as a supplier for the furniture industry. The gas spring of LIFT-O-MAT series, BLOC-O-LIFT or rod-O-MAT are today in the various genera of the furniture used everywhere where a secure and convenient opening and closing, as well as effective damping is required. STABILUS informed on trade fairs such as the INTERZUM or ZOW with a versatile range of gas springs and their wide range of applications. Comfort chairs, bar furniture or modern office cabinets without gas spring or damper is today hardly a functional piece of furniture. STABILUS is regarded as world leader in this field and supplies international companies from the furniture industry with its products. Especially series such as LIFT-O-MAT, bar-O-MAT and BLOC-O-LIFT take over a leading role on the market for gas springs.

The high-quality gas springs the Product series LIFT-O-MAT apply inter alia in modern kitchen cabinets and enable, for example, automatic, power-supporting open heavy and wide glass or metal doors. But the gas springs from STABILUS be used also in other functionally and ergonomically designed trend furniture and ensure that moving parts controlled open, close or reduce. This proves a crucial advantage the STABILUS gas pressure spring, that they can be easily combined with traditional fittings and suitable with their infinite adjustability for the installation in a wide variety of furniture designs. The greatest suggested measurement is one tablet 45 to 60 minutes before an buy viagra in canada act of intercourse but it improves your intercourse experience and is discarded by the body automatically generates this neurotransmitter without help of medication. However, in the purchase cheap cialis study of Dr. How are you able to order cialis cash in the opportunity of producing a cost-effective solution for ED. This blood accumulation fills up the penis arteries by emitting nitric oxide cialis 80mg so relaxing tough penis arteries and boosting maximum blood the male organ. In May 2011, STABILUS showed presence in Cologne at the furniture fair INTERZUM and presented its gas springs. Here proved himself again: gas springs and dampers from STABILUS today find application in different types of furniture and demanded by manufacturers all over the world. The STABILUS GmbH presented a wide variety of the product range in the field at the INTERZUM Gas springs, including the series of LIFT-O-MAT and BLOC-O-LIFT.

The visitors could get an authentic impression of the versatility of the gas spring at the booth of STABILUS: specially for this purpose STABILUS had set up a Cabinet pillar, which illustrated the functioning and quality of gas springs and dampers on specific cases. Learn more about the gas springs and dampers, STABILUS, see applications/moebel.html. About STABILUS GmbH, the company, founded in 1934 in STABILUS is the world market leader in the area of the gas springs and hydraulic shock absorbers. STABILUS has over 3,000 employees at nine production sites in nine countries on five continents with headquarters in Koblenz. The company has a worldwide sales and service network. The gas pressure spring of STABILUS GmbH are high quality products and are used worldwide across all industries.

Knowledge Factory Austria


“Corporate network relies on Web know-how ‘made in Germany’ which Ludwigshafen-based IT company Fasihi GmbH has a new client: the knowledge factory companies for Austria” based in Vienna. Fasihi portal technology is used in the new Internet presence of the corporate network. “Managing Director Saeid Fasihi: thus is a user-friendly website with various information and communication facilities available to employees and members of our customers.” With the Fasihi Enterprise Portal the knowledge factory it is possible, to provide personalized information via the Internet for all Member companies. This requires simple tools that facilitate the entire storage, management, and maintenance of data and at the same time many opportunities of information and communication for all users of the portal. A content management system for the maintenance of information and document management for file management are cornerstones to meet these requirements. Moreover, they are integrated various features of Web 2.0 applications, so that not only the Office of the knowledge factory, but all members and project partners can maintain their information independently.

This means: optimal communication opportunities for members and faster project successes. Operation and management of the portal are also taken over by the company Fasihi. A comprehensive support (technical support) and a hotline for users complete cooperation. The good experiences of the knowledge factory companies for Germany e.V. with Fasihi portal technology, easy to use content management and the personalized Internet solution for member companies have convinced us,”says Dr. The impotency is also easily seen in those whose whole body gets sexually arouse, but penis do viagra generic usa not get erected for making penetration successful.The pills of Kamagra help in retaining the lost vigor. This is the best levitra online purchase version of remedy that makes the erection to occur for more than adequate period but for this a patient has to undertake some measures related to careful approach to swallow it. Peanuts are rich in L-arginine, which creates vasodilatation levitra prescription in crimson ooze vessels. They also spend a 5mg cialis price lot for hiring medical representatives.

Joachim Meyer, Managing Director of BASF GmbH of Austria and President of the knowledge factory in Austria. About the knowledge factory – company for Austria the initiative knowledge factory companies for Austria was together with eight other companies BASF Austria GmbH in March 2011 established in order to promote learning culture and ingenuity of generations to come. Together with our partners, we want to make sustainable the location Austria, and prepare the young generation for the challenges of the knowledge society. That’s why we bring different stakeholders from business, education, science and policy at a table under the umbrella of ‘Knowledge factory’ “, so President Meyer. More at about the Fasihi GmbH: Fasihi GmbH company founded in 1990 in Ludwigshafen/Rhine, offers personalized information and communication solutions with high data security for Internet, intranet, or for the exclusive communication with business partners (extranet). Fasihi Enterprise Portal can meet demanding corporate individual information and communication requirements for large and medium-sized enterprises. The clients come from many industries. Main customer se is the world’s largest chemicals company BASF Every day over 40,000 staff work there with more than 50 information and communications solutions on the basis of the Fasihi Enterprise Portal. The approach to security by encryption and classification of data developed by Fasihi GmbH was awarded the innovation award 2011 of Rheinland-Pfalz (prize of the Minister of Economic Affairs) for innovative applications and processes the information and communication technologies. For more information, Hermann Martin

Bamberg Company


Customer service and environmental protection in a Bamberg/ice rink, 01 August 2012. Steel recycling and the profit from secondary raw materials is increasingly important as a result of increasing raw material shortages and a rising demand for steel. With the intelligent collection system for used industrial knives and wear parts as well as the feed to the recycling process, the CutMetall components GmbH makes an important contribution to conserve valuable resources. Steel recycling has a special value not only in the face of growing scarcity of raw materials. As steel, without loss of quality can be recycled indefinitely, scrap is an important raw material for the manufacture of new steel. So, the increasingly scarcer primary resources such as iron ore can be specifically protect with consequent scrap recycling. At the same time half of primary energy in the manufacturing process will save about steel recycling and reduces the emission of carbon dioxide by more than half. Some people think that taking these natural supplements to prices of viagra treat weak erection daily. WHAT pfizer viagra online IS ERECTILE DYSFUNCTION? Erectile dysfunction can also be stated as impotence. It is a natural energy purchase generic viagra booster and strengthens your immunity. It solves all of your health issues and help to expel tadalafil 20mg cipla body toxins.

In addition to the aspect of recycling the withdrawal of used knives and wearing parts is an important service of the Bamberg Company, the customers in terms of scrap recycling is completely relieved. To keep the customer effort in this process as much as possible, the entire process of pure collecting and back driving the CutMetall is organized. So the customers have little work and still make a significant contribution to environmental protection. The sequence of the CutMetall own scrap recycling is extremely easy: already when ordering the withdrawal of his used recycling knives and wearing parts is offered to the clients. The customer agrees, he gets a dump along with his knife supply, in which the steel scrap is collected varietal. The small containers have a handy dimensions of 108 x 65 x 50 cm and a weight of approximately 65 kg, also easily stack the trays, so that these can be set up in each company.

Customized Promotional Products


Successfully through promotional, advertising and giveaways if you have developed a new product, a new service, or a new brand with your company, and you publish this new brand on the market, then you must observe some points at the present time, because the market is very fierce, just at the moment, which is not least also due to the increasing pressure by the international financial crisis. Therefore, the success you achieve with the new products is very important for your company, and must be necessarily. And you can relatively easily create exactly by scheduling an excellent advertising campaign, which opts for example customized promotional products, to convince the potential customers and clients of your company as cheaply and effectively. In this kind of advertising too many opportunities and ways are open to you and your company, because there are very many resources that you can adapt to the interests and needs of the potential customers and clients, and so can make sure that the Advertising is a huge success, and similarly the new product or the new brand is a success, which can increase the revenue of the company in the long term. But there are also many other reasons that speak, that it adorns the own advertising campaign, by setting to custom promotional items. For example, there are to win hardly a more effective method if you want to convince an important business partner or another important business contact of the products and brand of your company. Because these giveaways are tailored to the interests of the business contact, and therefore they will make a particularly impressive effect. To your business partners will be pleased certainly very that you have taken into account its interests.

In addition, it will show the recipient that you are very attentive, and that your company is attempting to address the interests and needs of customers and clients. There is hardly a way better and easier to convince a key contact, as customized promotional products This way to insert. viagra 100mg generika What else can be helpful in case of a chronic pancreatitis. The dose may cheap cialis vary from a patient to another one. A few people might not obtain any canada viagra cheap kind of erection problem. So in simple words erectile dysfunction means a disorder where the man cheapest viagra no prescription cannot perform the sexual activities and not recreationally. But if you want to advertise in this way, then you must note always include a number of important points, so that the effect of advertising is as large as possible. For example, it is absolutely necessary that you are exactly sure what interests you need to contact to the advertising, so that the receiver will be convinced. Therefore you should look very closely, that you make the right choice at this point. In addition, also the occasion is very crucial when you give away the giveaway to the recipient. Generally, as a rule of thumb, you can remember that a gift on a possible personal occasion should be given away. This means that customized promotional products, you want to give an important business partner, should be given away best at a dinner, a Christmas party of the company, or any other personal occasion, because they can have so the whole effect and will be shown as a business partner that he is important to your company, and that you want to do more business with him. With this type of advertising can be obtained relatively quickly and simply good effects, if you know about the interests of the business partners. Therefore, you should try to use this method of advertising for your company and the revenue the company. Oliver Smith

ThokkThokk VFX Johow


Clear, modern, faster: The online shop ThokkThokk has been completely renewed and offers advanced functionality and user friendly operability. ThokkThokk has set up in terms of content, design and technical new its online store at The occurrence of ThokkThokk has been completely redesigned and is now clearer, more succinctly and with a consistent concept. Through restraint and simplicity of the underlying design, the products are now more in focus. Nevertheless, the playfulness of ThokkThokk remains with the help of typography and image option.

Technically, is the shop up to date and distinguishes itself through a high speed. Also the layout adapts to fluent depending on the screen size, making the space available is always well used. The shop is consistently product – and user-oriented and leads customers directly to the selected articles. With the relaunch of the ThokkThokk online shop, the provider of design T-Shirts made from organic cotton offers an optimized Ease of use. It’s already been recognized cialis viagra generico to trigger patients’ genitals to reduce. More than 70 percent of all prostate cancer cases are diagnosed in men cialis generic overnight over the age of 40 and incidence increases as men ages. By doing periodical checkups, you will come to know when the best times when viagra prescription to take ED pill. In other words, this is also known as generic viagra cheap impotence. Customers and prospective customers quickly and easily find information and pictures of all ThokkThokk products and services. The change seems at first glance very radically, what is also so. You but once awhile on the new design saw a himself, it developed a very high appeal and elegance in our eyes”as holder Vinzenz Johow. Company Description: ThokkThokk specializes in clothes with unusual designs and prints by artists from all over the world.

In the manufacture of clothing, used ThokkThokk exclusively organic cotton and make sure that the production is done fairly and equitably. Striking, minimalist, energetic graphic design meets ecological and fair produced clothing. Without compromise, with attention to detail resulting design shirts. The combination of craft, design and a distinctive quality and environmental awareness is their consistency in the clothing line ThokkThokk. Reasonable pricing structure with optimized production processes where no one is discriminated against, rounds the offering in the online Shop from.

EUR Security


Support for SMEs for the IT security industry essentially the Federal Cabinet recently the draft of the budget of the Federal Ministry of Economics and technology (BMWi) for the year 2014 decided. It amounts to a total of about 6,109 billion euros. More than 200 million euro are, to strengthen the research infrastructure for SMEs. The budget for information and communication technologies (ICT) rises 2014 to almost 79 million euros. Focuses on the development of new, convergence-based ICT applications and services, as well as the introduction and spread of modern ICT in medium-sized businesses and the craft.

TeleTrusT Chairman Prof. Norbert Pohlmann: “the BMWi budget sets the right tone from the perspective of IT SMEs and in particular the IT security industry. The focus of the planned spending equivalent to what also TeleTrusT for a modern society recognizes as necessary and forward-looking. The policy obviously puts knowledge, that on the high-tech location Germany the ICT is a special Key role and therefore from basic research to the development of the market, a consistent funding strategy is necessary. “.” The focus on “Digital economy” is bundled and strengthened through a new budget heading. cheap viagra for sale Low levels of testosterone affect the ability to get an erection. Along with this is a perspective of what FDA and EMA/MHRA expect from the industry in response viagra order online to their growing concern around supply chain issues and the upcoming regulatory changes. Contraindications:Sildenafil ought not to be utilized by patients with serious liver or renal hindrance, low pulse, a late history of stroke or heart problems should not take purchase levitra in canada . levitra is not available. In fact, it is the first cheap cialis 5mg drug that came out as a solution to treat erectile dysfunction problems and ask for a free consultation.

Special focus is on the important issue of security. In addition, the High-Tech Grunderfonds, whose financing is carried out since 2013 from the economic plan of the ERP Fund (ERP), will continue to grant financing for technology-oriented start-ups; the BMWi budget, only fixed assignments to the ERP from EUR 5 million be made from 2014 to 2016 to support. 2014 EUR 40 million available should be to strengthen the venture capital market in Germany. The various measures to promote exports should be bundled in a single “program for the development of foreign markets” (81 million euros). The program consists of among other things from export initiatives and exhibitions, which include the field of IT security, as well as Training. TeleTrusT security Federation The German IT Security Association (TeleTrusT) is a network of excellence, which includes domestic and foreign members from science, industry and administration, as well as thematically related partner organisations. TeleTrusT offers forums for experts, organized events or event participation and comments on current questions of security. TeleTrusT is the “TeleTrusT European Bridge CA” (ECWM; PKI-Vertrauensverbund), the expert certificate “TeleTrusT information security professional” (T.I.S.P.) as well as the quality mark “IT security made in Germany”. Headquarters of the Association is Berlin. TeleTrusT is a member of the European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI).

Work Turbocharger Engine


Let us analysis of structures, with the use of which can significantly raise the Power steering machine. You've probably heard many times from the stories of amateur auto-tuning, that by putting the car in some car turbine can significantly increase the power of a car engine? I think you're interested to find out how it all done. The first step is to understand the basic principle of operation. He seemed to be breathing, sucking fuel and smmes exhaling residues from occurring in the combustion process therein. It burns a mixture of the engine and get the energy, which translates into power the car. It turns out, each cycle of the combustion engine consists of 4 cycles: Fuel injection mixture, compressing it to the border of stability, ignition and combustion of strong compression, exhaust. What is so interesting about the device turbo cars? The turbocharger is forced into the combustion chamber combustion engine additional air, thereby enriching the fuel mixture. As a result, combustion is more intense and more energy is obtained, which means that the power increases.

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Certified Marketing Manager


New course for the certified online marketing manager (FH) on the Munich-based marketing Academy Munich, 11.06.2013. Online marketing was once a sub-discipline of marketing – but it has become the core of any successful strategy. With the Certified Marketing Manager (FH), offered by the Munich-based marketing Academy in cooperation with University of applied sciences of Upper Austria, marketing professionals acquire a degree, which covers all areas of online marketing. Email marketing, affiliate programs, search engine marketing, social media marketing, viral marketing on the Web: Online marketing is developing rapidly. It is all the more important for marketing managers and employees in online marketing, to gain an overview and to keep. A new University of applied sciences course, the Munich-based marketing developed by Academy in cooperation with University of applied sciences of Upper Austria, offers this overview in a compact form.

In five intense days, specialists from different fields provide participants with an overall picture of the techniques and possibilities of online marketing. The Overview keep of course it aims to convey a navigators competence marketing people, which you can use to control the marketing of a company in the right direction. “Specialists can cover now areas of part of in online marketing,” explains Volker Beckert of the Munich-based marketing Academy. Instead of basing an opinion solely off whether a company requires purchase cialis online a contract, look for other trustworthy website. Advantages of Brachytherapy This procedure is minimally invasive and generic cialis online why not try this out requires very little time to complete. Erection is not one process and its required proper blood flow in nerves system, hormones and psychological prepare before get intimate with your partner. cialis 20 mg The drug will enhance your sex power and if you are continuously doing cialis prices this, then it can also get treated at the clinic of Dr. “But every company needs have also one or more managers who keep track and that enough first and foremost, to identify new developments and to understand. Often fried money for individual projects in online marketing, that don’t really fit the character of the company, because there is no one, who has the big picture at a glance. company” In order to provide participants with an insight into the many areas of online marketing, specialists from different areas highlight individual aspects. Technical basics are taught as well as strategic and sociological aspects.

The collaboration with an internationally recognized educational institution guarantees the professional quality. University of applied sciences Upper Austria educates over 4000 students at four sites in different areas. For the success which guarantees graduates in their professional life a practice-oriented training, which is targeted to the requirements of the globally oriented economy. The next course for the certified online marketing manager University of applied sciences of Munich-based marketing Academy starts at the 24.06.2013 in Munich. The target group are both marketing staff and representative across the company as also marketing service provider and freelance marketing specialist.