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Nitkal – Additives For Concrete


In the winter concreting, the accelerated increase in strength will prevent too-rapid hardening after heat due to hydration. Getting concrete with high strength. DEPENDENCE ON THE TYPE OF PERFORMANCE CT examination of the effectiveness of NITCAL with 10 different brands of Portland cement showed that there was no correlation between the accelerated strength development and content of C3A (calcium aluminate three-celite). However, the correlation was found with S2S (two calcium silicate blanches) content. NITCAL efficiency as an accelerator of curing decreases with increasing Na2O content of alkali in the concrete mix, while the hydroxides and sulfates accelerate the activity calcium. NITCAL used for cements with low alkali cement is used for both low and high Belita (C2S). NITCAL – is most effective as an accelerator for the curing of Portland Belita high and low content of alkali.

Reduced induction period and time of curing can be used in several ways: In the winter period to avoid hypothermia fresh concrete prior to hardening. Production of ready-made elements (faster reuse of forms). Reduced risk of cracking due to shrinkage of concrete. Reduced time to finishing (smoothing) of concrete floors. Increased early strength concrete. To activate the concrete after a long transport or transportation in hot climates. RISK REDUCTION NITCAL cracking can be used as an additive that reduces the risk cracking due to rapid loss of moisture in fresh concrete. The most likely effect of accelerated curing.

When tested concrete mixes with w / c = 0.45, with 2% NITCAL from cement and no additives. Unfortunately, the power of Kamagra tablets are only given on prescription, thus it is important that you have consulted your doctor before using any of prescription for cialis purchase it. Penis viagra soft enlargement supplements offer more than just ‘size boost’. IT companies, especially pose a lot of stressful work order viagra generic on the employees and expect them to work beyond their ability. Muscle activities are a vital piece of North cialis online best Vancouver physiotherapy. Concrete rings were subjected to drying in the installation, with a wind speed of 4.5 m / s at 20 C, relative humidity 43%. Concrete without additives had shrinkage cracks, while not seen any cracks in concrete with 2% NITCAL. CORROSION INHIBITOR NITCAL Prevents corrosion of the reinforcement, caused by high chloride content. Dosage 2 – 4%. During the lengthy trial proved that calcium nitrate slows down the corrosion of reinforcing steel caused by chloride as added directly into the water for mixing, and added later, as well as greater calcium nitrite tests for corrosion. The mechanism of action of nitrate and nitrite as corrosion inhibitors are similar in alkaline environments, such as concrete. Kinetics of nitrate more slowly than nitrite, but it is only important in short-term trials, since in practice the process of corrosion – a rather lengthy process. As follows from the theory, calcium nitrate provides more cushion than calcium nitrite. The addition of antifreeze additive NITCAL as the accelerator timing of cement used for production of concrete mixtures, in particular, recommended at low temperatures. The introduction of additives in the concrete mixture NITCAL at low ambient temperature causes a lowering of the freezing point of water, thereby kneading the concrete at Air – 10 C, without slowing down the cement hydration process. Effective influence NITCAL the concrete mix is achieved at a temperature of – 15 C ambient, if you add more than 1-2% additive by weight of cement. The application has a stable NITCAL growth on a global scale, is used in many major construction projects. The concrete mixture used in the construction NITCAL mines in the North Sea (altitude 369 m), under oil and gas platforms. Expediency NITCAL use was the fact that he opposed the slowing effect of hardening the mixture by pouring high and massive structures. Sales volume in the world is more than 1 million tons per year. The material is based on the YARA INDUSTRIAL manufacturer and testing of Professor Harold Dzhastnesa, SINTEF Civil engineering, simulation environments, cement and concrete, Trondheim, Norway.

Image Stabilization


The composition of product lines Smartec for CCTV PTZ Camera has entered the new STC-3905 is equipped with a 36-fold zoom and quiet precision rotary mechanism that provides turn the camcorder horizontal plane at 360 and tilt through 180 speeds up to 350 / s and up to 0,024. Through the use of CCD-matrix by Sony, this Dome Camera generates color video at up to 1.4 lux illumination and black and white – with a 0.01 lux, with a constant resolution of 480 TVL. Rotator STC-3905 supports the telemetry protocol Pelco and allows you to program up to 165 presets, 8 trainees routes and 8 rounds. To work in outdoor conditions camera is recommended to install a dome camera housings Smartec. In the STC-3905 is used 1/4-inch CCD-matrix SuperHAD by Sony, which generates high-quality video with a resolution of 480 TVL. Adjust the image quality with video surveillance for specific conditions will help such functions as automatic and dynamic white balance, backlight compensation and flicker, frame accumulation mode, etc. The Pfizer needed levitra brand to find a chemical that would selectively block PDE5 and nothing else. Without a proper flow of blood a particular enzyme makes the organs perfect online pharmacies viagra for ejaculation and gives the strength and stamina in time of intercourse. Regularly stroking your penis buy cialis from india doesn’t mean you’re stretching the spongy erectile tissue inside. In the end, Hanagan achieved 191 wins from 1102 rides, while levitra fast shipping Hughes finished two behind from 1045 rides. For example, due to digital technology Image Stabilization these color dome cameras to minimize the influence of external low-frequency vibrations and mechanical shocks on the quality of its video stream.

For Day and night camera uses a mechanically switchable IR cut filter, which provides automatic switching STC-3905 from color to black and white mode of observation, and vice versa. In color mode, these dome cameras have a sensitivity to 1.4 lux but at lower light in the evening and at night their sensitivity increases to 0.01 lux. To obtain an informative picture from a video camera with illumination below 0.01 lux, including total darkness, in the area of the STC-3905 to install infrared light. Unlike most of the new analogues Dome Camera is equipped with an original twist mechanism, consisting of high-precision stepper motor and belt drive.



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